Historical Resort
Preah Theat BaSrei Temple
Preah Theat Basrei temple is located in Preah Theat village, Preah Theat commune, Oreang Ov district, 43 km south of Tbong Khmum town, via National Road 11, south of Ou Reang Ov market. In front of the pagoda, the temple of Preah Theat along the s...
The historical and cultural site, Sdach Korn
Sdach Korn also known as Srei Chettha II (Khmer: ស្ដេចកន or ព្រះស្រីជេដ្ឋាទី២) or Srei Chetha Thireach Reameathiptei (Khmer: ស្រីជេដ្ឋាធិរាជរាមាធិបតី) was King of Cambodia from 1512 to 1521.[1] Korn dethroned the King and attempted to establish a ...
Tum Teav, historical location
The story takes place in the Kingdom of Cambodia, which was the capital of Lovek, and reigned from 1578 to 1576 (from Eng Soth) through the story “Tum Teav” took place in Cheung Khal village, Mong Riev commune, Tboung Khmum district. A...