Tboung Khmum: His Excellency Dr. Cheam Chansophorn, Governor of Tboung Khmum Province, said on the occasion of leading all provincial department, Students, Businessmen and people to plant more than 300 trees in around Hun Sen Soung High School in the morning of August 29, 2019 in order to promote beauty and green environment.
HE Dr. Cheam ChanSophorn stated that for the next three years to be successful, there must be the participation of people from all corners of the city who need a genuine environment for hygiene.
H.E governor added that environmental hygiene is important in attracting tourists.
Moreover, under the guidance of His Excellency Deputy Prime Minister Chea Sophara, Chairman of the National Working Group for Tboung Khmum Province, he urged to plant trees from Kizuna Bridge to Memot district. According to next year's plan, there will be a large-scale planting of 10,000 saplings across the province.
HE Dr. Cheam Chansophorn also urged Soung municiplaity and other stakeholders to plant trees and flowers along the road, maintain environmental hygiene, maintain road quality, maintain traffic congestion, and prevent traffic congestion. Recent achievements attract more.
And the plantation, not only in Soung, is cultivated throughout the province as the green cover and lung of Tboung Khmum province.
On that occasion, HE Dr. Cheam Chansophorn also mentioned that on National Road 7 at the corner of the entrance to the Provincial Administration, there will be a large circle with a statue of ancient limb representing Tboung Khmum province. Next roundabout is Sdach Korn and also represent Tboung Khmum province, especially to showing people and tourists to see when passing through here.