Location is located in Choror Krom 2 village, Chiror 1 commune, Tboung Khmum district, Tbong Khmum province, 40km from Tbong Khmum town. The Organization for Basic Training (OBT) was established in 2007 with the participation of philanthropic and philanthropic organizations aiming to improve the education and welfare of the people in the community. The Government's burden on poverty reduction.
The organization was officially registered by the Ministry of Interior by letter 1541 / NS, dated July 2, 2009, and was created as a tourism for the Tourism For Chiro Community at In 2017, with the official recognition from the Provincial Tourism Department and the Tbong Khmum Provincial Government, by letter of 734/17, Litcd D, dated October 30, 2017 Each month, the Organization for Foreign Tourists Visit and Stay at HOME STAY and BUNGALOW approximately 60-100 people for the season, with a large number of tourists and local tourists visiting Russey (Chhouk Monk). From 500 people on a normal day and about 1,000 on Saturday, Sunday and national holidays.